our impact
community connectedness
Our programs create safe communities for our participants where personal growth can happen. Through our programs, youth learn to value community and how to access its benefits.
We work with youth to foster their resilience. With our support, youth clarify their personal values so they can be successful, however they define it.
self efficacy
Our programs help build a youth’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations. We accompany youth as they develop a vision of what success can look like for them and help spark their inner fire to achieve that success.
evaluation reports
"Before Sole Train, I used to think that in order to accomplish anything, I had to compete against myself and others. I now see that I can accomplish my goals better and in a more enjoyable way by helping others and accepting their help. So really, Sole Train has been like a family in that way and as a result, I am now open to seeing life in this beautiful way."
–Ralph, Young Sole
RalphYoung Sole 
"Most importantly, I learned that by empowering someone else, I can also empower myself. I couldn’t just tell my mentee how to have integrity; I also had to make sure that I embodied integrity in everything I did."
ArletteTEEP Alum 
"Through Sole Train, I’ve challenged myself to exceed what I thought were my own limits and expectations. Sole Train has empowered me to push through difficult tasks that have been hard in the past. If I can run a half marathon, then I know that I can also run past my personal challenges."
JuanYoung Sole 
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