Trinity News Updates

December 23, 2024
Thank you for investing in healing for youth, community, and equity in Boston.
Your support makes the healing spaces we co-create with-and-for our city’s youth of color possible. And your continued partnership will be key in 2025. Next year, our focus will be almost exclusively set on relaunching TEEP, Sole Train, and Trinity@YouthBatson, new and improved…

December 19, 2024
What’s the future of TBC’s Youth Development & Leadership (YDL) Programs?
In the latest episode of Community Conversations, Aka Denjongpa, Chief Program Officer, and Morgan Beckford, YDL Pathway Director, share an inspiring and insightful conversation about their vision for TBC’s youth programs in 2025 and beyond…

December 13, 2024
What’s next for Trinity Boston Connects (TBC)?
Hear it first from our Executive Director, Charmane Higgins, in the latest episode of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series. Charmane reflects on 2024, shares her hopes for the organization, and casts a bold vision for TBC’s future. Listen via the link above and be inspired by Charmane’s outlook and aspirations for the years ahead!

December 3, 2024
Lao Tzu once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This truth reflects TBC’s progress—a journey of hope shaped by every step, every footprint, and every milestone since our inception in 2007. The legacy left by our former and founding colleagues, Board members, and supporters built the foundation we stand on, and fuels our mission today…

November 26, 2024
2024 has been a year of transformation for TBC as an organization, the city of Boston, and our nation. The societal and institutional lights around us may flicker, dim, or even darken at times but our vision of an equitable Boston is not obscured. It is focused, we are focused, and our mission of healing is steadfast. TBC’s programs have continued to stand as impactful, affirming, spaces for over 1,000 youth, 220 youth workers, and 19 nonprofit organizations. All thanks to our dedicated staff, board, volunteers, and YOU – our committed supporters…

July 31, 2024
The Rodman Ride for Kids is an annual charity bike ride taking place on September 21st in Foxboro, MA, with self-directed adventurers participating remotely. This year we’ve committed to raising $65,000 in support of TBC’s programs benefiting over 1,000 young people in our city, 88% of whom are youth of color. We’re actively recruiting beautiful souls like YOU to join Team Trinity and help us meet our goal…

June 24, 2024
We are grateful and proud to partner with the Cummings Foundation as a grantee in their $30 million grant program!
Thank you to the Cummings Foundation for 10 years of support! Learn more about the $30 million grant program and their amazing work below.

March 7, 2024
What a vibrant season it’s been! As the weather nudges us toward spring, there’s a palpable sense of reflection and acknowledgment in Boston. Our city is engaging more deeply with its history of racial harm, drawing us closer to a collective movement for healing. Help keep this momentum going by engaging with TBC as we do our part in this movement. As we’ve bid farewell to Black History Month, we recognize the ongoing impact of racial harm on Black communities in Boston…

February 20, 2024
Our city’s youth are facing intensified life stressors including ongoing school violence, societal turbulence, and overexposure to harmful social media content. Yet TBC’s commitment to healing through transformative practices remains steadfast amid challenging times…
December 31, 2023
THANK YOU for being part of our Beloved Community and making 2023 a year to remember. Together, we will progress our mission and vision of a healed and equitable Boston in 2024 and beyond…

December 30, 2023
THANK YOU for making TBC’s Beloved Community a lived reality for youth and adults across our city. The healing impact we made together in 2023 was possible because of you. And with your continued support, we can continue to promote healing in the lives of our city’s youth and the adults who serve them…

December 28, 2023
Over the last few weeks we’ve heard voices, stories, and reflections on the active power of Healing in Beloved Community within our programs. Through Nick’s story, we experienced the impact of TEEP’s Beloved Community for building confidence, academic achievement, and a sense of belonging in middle and high school youth continuing through college into young adulthood…

December 22, 2023
D. Farai Williams, Director of Organizational Equity Practice (OEP), joins us for a new episode of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community. Farai is a Somatic Healing practitioner, racial equity professional, activist, artisan and more…

December 12, 2023
Meet Samiya Mohamed, a Sole Train alum who is central to an ever-growing Beloved Community at Sole Train. She joins us for a new episode of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 8, 2023
Thich Nhat Hanh, peace activist and father of mindfulness, once said, “The larger your Beloved Community, the more you can accomplish in the world.” We see this borne out in nearly every movement for change our country has seen. Anything is possible when everyday people like you and me are knit together by a common belief and activated by a singular vision.
This is true for our collective vision of a healed and equitable Boston…

December 6, 2023
Meet Nickolas Dell, Associate Director of Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP). Nick joins us to share his TEEP story of reciprocity and healing for season 2 of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 6, 2023
Meet Nickolas Dell, Associate Director of Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP). Nick joins us to share his TEEP story of reciprocity and healing for season 2 of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 1, 2023
Beloved Communities are the result of beloved connections that grow out of individual and collective healing. It can be argued that the opposite is true for fragmented communities: they happen as a result of trauma and disconnection. The trauma of structural racism splinters our city’s school communities and negatively affect adult-youth relationships, student success, and wellness…

November 28, 2023
What comes to mind when you think of a “Hero?”
For many, our first mental image might be of a parent or caretaker, first responder, or veteran — and rightfully so. But how often are “Youth worker” and “Hero” paired in the same thought, or even found in the same sentence today?

November 19, 2023
Healing in Beloved Community is about what happens when many become one. It’s the strength of locked arms, collective gaze, and unified action toward a singular vision. For us, that vision is a healed and equitable Boston where all our city’s youth can thrive…

November 10, 2023
On October 28th, we came together in a spectacular display of beloved community filled with healing, love, and sole! The 10th annual Sole Train 5K brought together a vibrant mix of Sole Train participants, alumni, family, friends, and supporters from across the city…

October 6, 2023
We’re just a few short weeks away from celebrating a DECADE of the Sole Train 5K! On October 28th, the most epic, city-wide, community running party will mark this amazing milestone we’ve achieved together…

September 22, 2023
Team Trinity will hit the trails in an enthusiastic show of beloved community tomorrow morning in Foxboro for the 33rd Annual Rodman Ride for Kids! The in-person ride kicks off at 9:00a while our virtual adventurers set out on their own timelines, all in support of TBC’s healing work….

August 14, 2023
Have you signed up to ride or participate in this year’s Rodman Ride for Kids? You can still register today and join 23 other Team Trinity Rodman Riders in support of TEEP and our city’s youth! The in-person ride is happening on Saturday, Sept. 23rd in Foxboro, MA, while virtual participants choose their adventure time and place. We are looking to double our team participants…

July 13, 2023
Calling all riders and virtual participants: register now to join Team Trinity for the 2023 Rodman Ride for Kids!
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23rd in Foxboro, MA. Our fundraising goal is $70,000, and funds raised will support our programs, like TEEP, that impact more than 700 youth of color in Boston…

June 12, 2023
THANK YOU for making the 16th annual Bostonians for Youth Gala such a special event. We’re so grateful to you, our beloved community, for showing up in support of our collective vision of an equitable Boston.

May 23, 2023
Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC) provides individual and group therapy and mental health wellness workshops focused on youth workers. This includes individuals who are employed or volunteer in roles serving youth in Boston, particularly youth of color.

April 14, 2023
We’re only a few weeks into spring, but TBC is already looking ahead to an exciting summer with the Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP)! This year, we’re thrilled to welcome a TEEP alum back as Associate Director.
Trinity News Updates
December 31, 2023
THANK YOU for being part of our Beloved Community and making 2023 a year to remember. Together, we will progress our mission and vision of a healed and equitable Boston in 2024 and beyond…

December 30, 2023
THANK YOU for making TBC’s Beloved Community a lived reality for youth and adults across our city. The healing impact we made together in 2023 was possible because of you. And with your continued support, we can continue to promote healing in the lives of our city’s youth and the adults who serve them…

December 28, 2023
Over the last few weeks we’ve heard voices, stories, and reflections on the active power of Healing in Beloved Community within our programs. Through Nick’s story, we experienced the impact of TEEP’s Beloved Community for building confidence, academic achievement, and a sense of belonging in middle and high school youth continuing through college into young adulthood…

December 22, 2023
D. Farai Williams, Director of Organizational Equity Practice (OEP), joins us for a new episode of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community. Farai is a Somatic Healing practitioner, racial equity professional, activist, artisan and more…

December 12, 2023
Meet Samiya Mohamed, a Sole Train alum who is central to an ever-growing Beloved Community at Sole Train. She joins us for a new episode of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 8, 2023
Thich Nhat Hanh, peace activist and father of mindfulness, once said, “The larger your Beloved Community, the more you can accomplish in the world.” We see this borne out in nearly every movement for change our country has seen. Anything is possible when everyday people like you and me are knit together by a common belief and activated by a singular vision.
This is true for our collective vision of a healed and equitable Boston…

December 6, 2023
Meet Nickolas Dell, Associate Director of Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP). Nick joins us to share his TEEP story of reciprocity and healing for season 2 of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 6, 2023
Meet Nickolas Dell, Associate Director of Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP). Nick joins us to share his TEEP story of reciprocity and healing for season 2 of Community Conversations, TBC’s original podcast series sharing stories and year-end reflections from our immediate and extended community…

December 1, 2023
Beloved Communities are the result of beloved connections that grow out of individual and collective healing. It can be argued that the opposite is true for fragmented communities: they happen as a result of trauma and disconnection. The trauma of structural racism splinters our city’s school communities and negatively affect adult-youth relationships, student success, and wellness…

November 28, 2023
What comes to mind when you think of a “Hero?”
For many, our first mental image might be of a parent or caretaker, first responder, or veteran — and rightfully so. But how often are “Youth worker” and “Hero” paired in the same thought, or even found in the same sentence today?

November 19, 2023
Healing in Beloved Community is about what happens when many become one. It’s the strength of locked arms, collective gaze, and unified action toward a singular vision. For us, that vision is a healed and equitable Boston where all our city’s youth can thrive…

November 10, 2023
On October 28th, we came together in a spectacular display of beloved community filled with healing, love, and sole! The 10th annual Sole Train 5K brought together a vibrant mix of Sole Train participants, alumni, family, friends, and supporters from across the city…

October 6, 2023
We’re just a few short weeks away from celebrating a DECADE of the Sole Train 5K! On October 28th, the most epic, city-wide, community running party will mark this amazing milestone we’ve achieved together…

September 22, 2023
Team Trinity will hit the trails in an enthusiastic show of beloved community tomorrow morning in Foxboro for the 33rd Annual Rodman Ride for Kids! The in-person ride kicks off at 9:00a while our virtual adventurers set out on their own timelines, all in support of TBC’s healing work….

August 14, 2023
Have you signed up to ride or participate in this year’s Rodman Ride for Kids? You can still register today and join 23 other Team Trinity Rodman Riders in support of TEEP and our city’s youth! The in-person ride is happening on Saturday, Sept. 23rd in Foxboro, MA, while virtual participants choose their adventure time and place. We are looking to double our team participants…

July 13, 2023
Calling all riders and virtual participants: register now to join Team Trinity for the 2023 Rodman Ride for Kids!
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23rd in Foxboro, MA. Our fundraising goal is $70,000, and funds raised will support our programs, like TEEP, that impact more than 700 youth of color in Boston…

June 12, 2023
THANK YOU for making the 16th annual Bostonians for Youth Gala such a special event. We’re so grateful to you, our beloved community, for showing up in support of our collective vision of an equitable Boston.

May 23, 2023
Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC) provides individual and group therapy and mental health wellness workshops focused on youth workers. This includes individuals who are employed or volunteer in roles serving youth in Boston, particularly youth of color.

April 14, 2023
We’re only a few weeks into spring, but TBC is already looking ahead to an exciting summer with the Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP)! This year, we’re thrilled to welcome a TEEP alum back as Associate Director.

March 14, 2023
Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP) is back this summer with exciting opportunities for Boston’s youth! 100% of TEEPers graduate from high school and enroll in a college or post-secondary program that’s the best fit for them…

February 23, 2023
Mark your calendars for Bostonians for Youth 2023 happening on June 8th!

February 10, 2023
This month we celebrate Black History and what the achievements and contributions of Black Americans mean to the American story. From slavery, to Jim Crow, to mass incarceration, and more — the fight for equity and healing continues. Locally, we carry that fight in our shared vision of a healed and equitable Boston and the work we do as an organization in community with other change makers in the city…
January 5, 2023
Cheers to the New Year! As we start off 2023, we want to extend a sincere THANK YOU to all of you who took healing action with us in 2022. Your support made it possible for Trinity Boston Connects (TBC) to continue to show up for our city’s youth of color and the adults who support them. Because you showed up, healing happened…
December 28, 2022
How can you take healing action? This week on Community Conversations, TBC donor and Sole Train volunteer, Courtney Joly-Loudermilk, shares why she was inspired to run the Boston Marathon as a member of TBC’s Team Trinity, her experience with the Sole Train community, and how you can support our mission.
December 23, 2022
What does healing look like for middle schoolers and what do students need to thrive? We explore these questions with Sophia Brion-Meisels, Director of Trinity@McCormack, in this week’s episode of Community Conversations. Partner up with the message of healing this Holiday Season with a tax-deductible donation by December 31st…
December 16, 2022
In last week’s episode of Community Conversations, Nate Harris, director of Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC), introduced us to TBCC’s work and provided some insight into some of their achievements and challenges over the last couple of years. This week, Asha Ragin, director of clinical services for TBCC, offers us a deeper dive into the program and how it supports Boston’s youth workers. She shares some of TBCC’s recent outcomes as well as her hopes and plans for 2023 and beyond…
December 9, 2022
How do our city’s youth workers heal and what does healing action look like? We explore these questions and more with Nate Harris, director of Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC) in the first episode of TBC Community Conversations podcasts. Stream now by clicking above!
TBCC is a program of our Clinical Care pathway. This pathway works in conjunction with our Youth Development and Leadership and Organizational Change pathways to heal the traumatic impact of systemic racism for youth of color and the adults who support them.
December 1, 2022
Sometimes the harm or trauma in a young person’s life can show up in ways that are easy for the naked eye to see. But how do we know if and/or when a young person is experiencing healing? What does healing look like?

November 23, 2022
It is easy to fixate on the harm and trauma caused by the racist and inequitable systems that confront of us every day. The magnitude of it all can sometimes amplify despair to its loudest decibel, and quiet hope to a whisper. In the same mind, we measure the need for healing to the proportion of harm and think, “That’s too big,” or “There’s nothing I can do…”

September 28, 2022
Earlier this month, there were services for three individuals who were central to the founding of Trinity Boston Connects (TBC): Bill and Julie Thompson, and the Rev. Sam Lloyd…

August 22, 2022
Racial Equity Senior Leaders Learning Circle (RELLC) is back and accepting applicants for its 2022-23 cohort! RELLC supports nonprofit leaders through a shared learning experience designed to support the application of individual and organizational racial equity practices for more diverse, inclusive, and racially equitable organizations…

July 18, 2022
Ride for Racial Healing at this Year’s Rodman Ride! Join Team Trinity on Saturday, September 24th, as we hit the roads in support of Trinity Education for Excellence Program (TEEP) for the 32nd annual Rodman Ride for Kids. Here are two ways you can get in on the fun…

June 10, 2022
Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude and joy today: THANK YOU for making this year’s Bostonians for Youth gala a night we all will never forget! And, being together again in-person after two years made it that much more special…

April 13, 2022
Our 15th annual Bostonians for Youth gala will celebrate our collective vision for an equitable Boston, focusing on Healing Through Action as our theme and clarion call. This year we are thrilled to honor New England Patriots defensive back, 11-time defensive captain and three-time Super Bowl Champion, Devin McCourty as our 2022 Leader of Change Award recipient!

March 29, 2022
Spring is in the air and our 3 Essential Community Practices (3 ECPs) are blossoming everywhere! It’s been so affirming to see the racial equity learning happening in each other’s lives through the #TBCRacialHealingChallenge posts some of you have been sharing. If you haven’t already, please visit any of our social media channels to get caught up and help move the conversation forward with a post of your own. In the meantime, read on to hear more about how our 3 ECPs are informing our programming along our 3 healing pathways (Youth Development and Leadership, Organizational Change, and Clinical Care)…

January 28, 2022
As we persist into a third year of COVID-19, we are reminded of just how devastating and life-changing 2020 was for everyone. We are filled with gratitude for the way you stood by us, and for how we stood as a community in support of our city’s youth…

January 1, 2022
Because of you, we connected many within our community of 1000 youth, 50 youth workers, and 220 youth-serving organizations across Boston to our programs, practices, and supports. You enabled our community to boldly face the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism…

December 29, 2021
Healing every day is not just our call to action for individuals. It is also the work organizations must do to uproot white supremacy culture in their practices and policies, and create healing environments. This is especially true for nonprofit organizations serving communities of color and employing staff of color. Our vision for racial healing within organizations is carried out by Organizational Equity Practice (OEP), the consulting arm of Trinity Boston Connects (TBC)…

December 21, 2021
In Dr. King’s iconic speech, The Other America, he said riots were, “the language of the unheard.” He was speaking in reference to California’s Watts riots in August 1965, and the race riots in Harlem the summer before. Systemic racism provided the gasoline and the match that ignited both uprisings by rendering people of color invisible, and unheard…

December 17, 2021

December 15, 2021

December 8, 2021
The traumatic effects of systemic racism have a way of hiding in plain sight, allowing their impact to deepen and ripple through individuals, families, and communities. Whether those effects be health disparities or heightened violence, the scars they leave on the souls of youth and adults of color manifest in myriad ways…

November 30, 2021
Over the past year and-a-half we have been hyper exposed to gross forms of racial harm, and collectively awakened to the need for racial healing. In action, racial healing is mostly recognized and experienced in the form of one-time, or short-term, DEI interventions for groups, and sometimes individuals. But it cannot stop there. White Supremacy culture means racial harm for both BIPOC and white people everywhere, all the time. Therefore, healing must happen for everyone, every day, and in every way…

October 28, 2021
This Saturday, October 30th, Sole Trainers from across Boston will come together at Franklin Park for the 8th annual Sole Train 5K (ST5K), rain or shine! All supporters are invited to this epic celebration of community-building and mentoring in a 5K race…

September 30, 2021
Thank you again for making this year’s Bostonians for Youth (BFY) virtual gala a success! We celebrated our city’s youth, saw the impact of our collective work in action, and enjoyed an informative and inspiring discussion with NYT bestselling and Pulitzer Prize winning author, Isabel Wilkerson…

July 30, 2021
We are thrilled to announce that Pulitzer Prize winner, Isabel Wilkerson, will be giving the keynote presentation at this year’s Bostonians for Youth Gala! Ms. Wilkerson has become a leading figure in narrative nonfiction, an interpreter of the human condition, and an impassioned voice for demonstrating how history can help us understand ourselves, our country, and our current era of upheaval…

May - June, 2021
Spring is in full bloom and Boston is opening again with Massachusetts recently ranked among the safest states in the country because of our high vaccination rates (woo-hoo!). Trinity Boston Connects (TBC) is energized and mobilized as our healing work continues virtually, with limited in-person engagement until a full and safe return is possible…

april 16, 2021
Trinity Boston Connects is resolute in our healing response to the traumatic affects of systemic racism on youth, and the adults who serve them. This has always been our DNA, and work. And it is now officially our mission. Racial animus and harm may win a moment, or even several of them, but healing wins the day…

march 5, 2021

February 2, 2021

January 1, 2021

December 28, 2020
This year we witnessed a rekindled passion and protest for racial equity akin to the 60’s. A multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multi-national movement for change has been sparked. And Trinity Boston Connects (TBC) is an active participant, delivering healing programs and services that address the traumatic effects of structural racism…

December 21, 2020

December 14, 2020

December 7, 2020

November 30, 2020

November 23, 2020

November 9, 2020
Congratulations to president-elect Joe Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris on a hard fought and historic victory, giving America its first woman of color VP! This election (and year) has taught us a lot. We have yet a long way to go when it comes to addressing White Supremacy Culture, structural racism, and healing from their deep and abiding harm.
Although our country has a new leader, the challenges facing youth of color are the same. Therefore, our resolve is the same. The race for president has reached its finish, but the pursuit for racial equity continues and we have the baton. Now, more than ever, is the time to assert ourselves in the name of change for our young people, and our communities. There’s much more to be done.
We invite you to learn more about racial equity and other critical community issues on our resources page, and/or donate to help further the work of TBC today.

October 23, 2020
BPS students, parents, and staff are back to fully remote learning once again due to COVID-19. These setbacks can make it hard to stay inspired. But this Halloween, Boston youth and families can be energized with an afternoon of community, fun, and sole at the Sole Train Virtual 5K! The festivities kick off Saturday, October 31st at 2pm with special guests, a virtual run, an Old Sole-led workout and a community chat…

september 31, 2020
Bostonians for Youth: Building a More Equitable Boston virtual gala is just two weeks away! Don’t miss out on a dynamic evening of storytelling, sharing, and community like we’ve never experienced. Register today to join the conversation as we recognize our city’s youth and explore the power of Healing through Connections in these uncertain times…

august 27, 2020
We’re happy to share that Bostonians for Youth (BFY): Building a More Equitable Boston will commence as a virtual gala! This year’s theme, Healing through Connections, is a call for healing from the traumatic effects of structural racism in this national moment of reckoning, and beyond. The virtual format offers us some exciting new opportunities to celebrate our city’s youth through enhanced storytelling, and for us to gather as a community en masse. BFY 2020 is not to be missed — be on the look out for more details coming soon.

july 29, 2020
TEEP staff, students, and alum are using social media to adapt their regular summer programming, creating new and fun ways to learn and build community online. On August 10th – 14th Trinity@McCormack will host their annual Summer Learning Institute: a 3-day experiential learning community for teachers, administrators, and school based-mental health professionals who are interested in creating trauma-responsive school communities. On September 26th Team Trinity will embark on a virtual Rodman Ride with their own self-directed adventures. Their efforts will support TEEP and all of TBC’s programs, serving more than 1,000 youth of color in Boston…

july 13, 2020
We are extremely grateful that The Boston Resiliency Fund has chosen to support TBC’s racially informed, trauma-inclusive clinical services for youth workers of color who serve on the front lines of non-profit organizations throughout Boston. Thanks to the City of Boston for supporting our critical work in an unprecedented time of need!

june 26, 2020
“I see clearly that I have been living in a bubble that allowed me not to see many of the fundamental problems in our society. My vision of progress has been revealed as an illusion. The thinness of that 1960s vision is apparent…” – Mike Parker, TBC Board Chair

june 22, 2020
In April, we were deeply saddened to share about the death of our longtime friend, supporter, and advocate, Juliana W. Thompson. She passed away peacefully at home on April 11th. Julie was beloved by all who knew her and was dedicated to working for those in need. Sadly, we now share that Julie’s husband, Bill, passed away on June 12th…

june 5, 2020
The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery in just the past few weeks, coupled with the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color, remind us that while things may be different, little has changed for Black people in America….

may 5, 2020
Because of YOU, we’re still connected. Thank you for helping us continue to serve our city’s youth through these uncertain times. In observance of #GivingTuesdayNow, we wanted to share some of the ways your support has been carrying our work forward through COVID-19…

april 24, 2020
It is with deep sadness that we share news that our longtime friend, supporter, and Trinity Boston Connects advocate, Juliana W. Thompson, passed away peacefully at home on April 11. Julie was beloved by all who knew her and was dedicated to working for those in need. She and her husband, Bill, were founding and leading supporters of Trinity Boston Connects throughout the years, and ultimately ensured their support would help fuel TBC’s work for years to come. We are honored that the family has suggested that donations in Julie’s memory be made to TBC. With eternal gratitude, we extend our heartfelt sympathies to Bill and to their children, Don, Alex, and Margie, and grandson Timothy Fish.

april 1, 2020
We are deeply saddened to share that Rev. William Barnwell recently passed in New Orleans from complications related to COVID-19. Rev. Barnwell served as a priest at Trinity Church Boston from 1996-2002. His leadership was instrumental in the development of TEEP Boston.
TEEP New Orleans was established in 1966. When Rev. Barnwell came to Boston he brought the legacy of TEEP with him. We grieve with deep gratitude for his stewardship of TEEP and the broader Trinity Church community — he will never be forgotten! May he rest well and may his family find peace in this difficult time.

march 13, 2020

february 29, 2020
Please join us on March 26th for this year’s Bostonians for Youth gala (BFY) as we celebrate our city’s youth and honor Louise Burhnam Packard for her legacy of leadership that continues with Charmane Higgins, our new executive director…

january 28, 2020
This month Trinity Boston Counseling Center (TBCC) came together with community partners from across Boston to support Passion is Alive: a networking event to connect youth in the Department of Youth Services (DYS) to professionals in fields they’re passionate about…

december 7, 2019
What a year! Trinity Boston Connects has been incredibly fortunate to have seen so many milestones in 2019. We announced our new name, welcomed Charmane Higgins as our new executive director, following the footsteps of our esteemed founder, Louise Burnham Packard…

october 30, 2019
Last Saturday hundreds of Young and Old Soles from schools and neighborhoods across Boston gathered at Franklin Park for the 6th Annual Sole Train 5K. Runners and walkers of all speeds and ability came together to put their soles on the line and help each other finish the race…

september 28, 2019
Registration is officially open for this year’s Sole Train 5K! Don’t miss out on a chance to run/walk in community with like-passioned people putting their soles on the line for the greater good. The 5K is Sole Train’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and we hope you can join in on the joy that it sparks in Young and Old Soles alike. The awesomeness goes down on Saturday October 26th at Franklin Park — Shattuck Picnic Grove…

august 1, 2019
We are thrilled to announce Charmane Higgins (pictured right) as our new Executive Director and our new name as Trinity Boston Connects! Click below to read the full press release for more on the exciting changes.

july 25, 2019
This summer marks 20 successful years of TEEP! The Trinity Education for Excellence Program started in 1999 with just 34 students and has since served 700+ middle and high school students. Our mission remains the same as ever: to create a safe community where every member is inspired to discover, empowered to achieve excellence, and individually affirmed. We are thrilled with how far TEEP and its TEEPers have come.
© 2024 Trinity Boston Connects, Inc. | All Rights Reserved